Osteopathy is one of those disciplines defined as alternative medicine and uses manual contact both in the treatment phase and in a preliminary diagnosis phase. At the Polispecialistico Lambrate the osteopath respects the relationship between body, mind and spirit of the patient in a condition of health and disease, and places the accent on the structural and functional integrity of the organism, considering the intrinsic tendency of the latter towards self-healing.


The osteopath uses various manual therapeutic techniques aimed at improving and maintaining the physiological function of the entire human body:


The structural techniques act at the joint, muscle or ligament level, such as vertebral manipulations, and are recommended for patients suffering from joint blocks, back pain or muscular problems;


Then there are techniques that act at a visceral level, which act on internal organs such as the liver and stomach, and are very useful for limiting the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux, hiatal hernia or the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.


Finally there are the cranio-sacral techniques, which are gentler and softer, based on the concept that the cranial sutures continue to have a certain degree of mobility throughout the course of life and that the skull therefore has flexion-extension movements that it guarantees vascular and cavity drainage and is therefore very useful for children suffering from chronic problems such as ear infections.


It is very important to always remember that the human body, being a single and indivisible unit, there is no clear division between the different techniques adopted by the specialist, but on the contrary, these can work synergistically so that, for example, a vertebral manipulation can have effect on the intestine thanks to the somato-visceral reflex


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